Thursday, May 15, 2008

Erm...I'm back...hopefully

Erm...hey, I'm back, haha....well, its not like anyone will read this damn thing anyway...heh

So, anyway, exams over, vivas over, the degree's over....time to get back to the grind of working...which probably means I'll have some time to blog about that missing period since the last post....but it'll also be probably so long that.......
























































it'll never get finished, and I'll just find a convenient excuse not to. Har Har.

Now anyone can offer tips on how to write "Dimitris Konovessis" in Mandarin?


1 comment:

Kenny said...

Well, hope this helps. :)
If u keep posting, then people will be around to read. If they return to see no postings, then they might jus bored out n not return to ur blog again. :)