Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Golden Compass...

So today was the last day of classes...and well, with Rocket Lecturer around, you can be sure of one thing....we caught absolutely nothing. LOL

Nothing much eventful happened....cept I ferried KK around to get his van serviced at Citroen centre, where we found 2 OSIM iSymphonic chairs and promptly plumped our fat asses down to er....test the integrity of the chairs. LOL. Twice.

Anyways, the day was rather uneventful....went to West Mall after work, did some more christmas shopping...(this is really breaking the bank here...I imagine we'll be begging after)

Watched the Golden Compass. Plot's rather good, but unfortunately the post film editing wasn't. Pretty much a letdown for the movie's potential. Still, I hope they'll do better in the sequel. CGI's were pretty good. hehe. And Nicole Kidman...well. nuff said.

Guess who's the bad guy again? prizes for star wars fans here.


Friday, December 14, 2007

Mom's Bday

Happy Birthday Mom! She's 54 of 10th Dec 2007, that is. This is once again, another belated blog.....and I'm typing about 3 times quieter than KK....wahahahaha


Didn't have a very big celebration cos Mom didn't want it....kinda wanted us to cook we did....Wynne's famous ultimate cheesy pasta...with no less than 3 kinds of cheese!... Managed to get KK to join in too...he contributed a very nice cake from Chocz....Walnut Chocz I think its called...super nice...not sweet haha.

Not very good pics fact, downright

SPM_A0023 Only pic I

Here are some much beter pics from least his N95 proved rather useful here....LOL

09122007582 09122007583 The Family.....haha with Pepsi/Cola of course....

And the cake....




looks good huh...hehe

Ok..tata for now....Thanks for everything!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Test Post

This post done up via Windows Live Writer.....if you guys see it.....well....kudos to Bill Gates and his gang of merrymakers!


Early Season's Greetings to all.....May God Bless You all!

Google Earth Blk 302

This is a google map area of my new Clementi....haha.


Tata...think I may actually blog more regularly now....Logging in previously was such a chore....