Thursday, February 28, 2008

Prasta anyone?

Just another routine update...been busy with a number of things so far, what with courseworks, projects and renewable energy coming to a head.

So anyway, me and wifey were asked to acompany KK to buy "something" for a "someone". Funny request, but then again, life is funny in many ways when you look at it from another perspective. Thus, along we went to get this "something".


**P.S: Its partly copyright thats why I'm sticking with the something and someone.


Went down to Wheelock Place, where the "something" turned out to be an Apple Itouch. wooo...offer price too, so its a pretty good buy, but that's not really the point of this post, hehe.

Main event came later, when we decided to go to this pasta (kk calls it prasta, place, forgot the name now, but its at basement 1 at Takashimaya...its very nice! Here's what we had;


Trio-meat Baked Cheese Risotto....that's mine with a cream base.


Crispy chicken risotto with tomato base...Wifey's...


Chicken and Mushroom linguini in Red Pesto Sauce...KK's


Overall, the taste was very good and the quantity well worth the money...but not the starters though. We ordered a platter, and was rather small. Calamari the size of a 10 cent coin anyone?

Dessert was italian gelato...


Lemon/Mango makes a wonderful combination! The other we had was italian coffee and macadamia nut. Pretty good overall...hehe


Ok, timeout....


Update: Today's lunch was crazy at Foodcourt 4...check this out...

DSC00659  After that we had a fruit platter its pretty even all around.


Tata for now....

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Farewell Photo with Prof. Baltrop


After one week of ultra relaxed video-conferencing with Prof. Baltrop over the Breeze system, he came down this week to supervise (aka guide) us on the coursework he had given us. The whole class had somehow taken the view that since it was non-examinable, it would be super relaxed and thus did not take a serious view. Well, safe to say that everything dropped the moment dear Prof. Baltrop came in. Getting fired on the coursework, working with mathCAD and good ole baltrop firing off everything from the front.

Still, the nightmare is left to pick up the pieces with the coursework...LOL
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Sunday, February 10, 2008

An Eventful Lunar New Year

Now that me and Wynne are married, it also goes that we only get to collect for the first the damage is somewhat lessened...although not much...haha. Gotta give to the elders and all the small, heavy damage...thank god for company bonus for a small shield... Lol.

This Lunar New Year, we were introduced to a new game. This game is played out among only married that everyone tries to "siam" the small kids so as to avoid giving our ang pows...while still trying to fulfill our obligations of family visiting. While not very successful this experience still, managed to siam pretty well. Didn't sleep much on the first night or rather, not at all...cos Cola decided to go into labour...hehe... see the photos! Started about 11pm all the way till about what a messy experience....but the end result rocks!

DSC00458 Giving birth....DSC00470 The 3 xiao gua zi!

DSC00461 more xiao gua zi

DSC00468 Nursing them....

DSC00469 The proud father!

DSC00474 This is xiao hei! No. 3....

DSC00476 This is xiaochun! from the drama series...if anyone knows...the only female...haha

DSC00478 And this is No. 1, lao da....first to come out, and the whiniest

DSC00478 Look at lao da sleeping...haha

DSC00480 Lao da sleeping...

Well...we still managed to get to JB after some morning naps...haha...Damage was high

But the highlight of the day was probably the firecrackers...something you don't see anymore around in Singapore...oh well....enjoy...

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Yet another Long Story

Ok, haven't been blogging for a while now....apparently, I am the lazy sort....maybe that's why no one wants to read my blog.:p


Ok, so since Christmas, which was uneventful...well internal affairs aside that is, haha. Then came the exams, man, never had a more disastrous experience, our class's unanimous conclusion is that the last batch probably scored too many 1st class degrees, therefore this year we are the guinea pigs for a new standard. much for the supposed benefits as the last year in Singapore...oh btw, ours is also the last batch of NAME students in Singapore. For the un-initiated, NAME is the short form of my degree....BENG (Hons) in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering... what a mouthful...NAME sounds better eh?

So the new year came by and went, managed to raise a ruckus in the office by asking for my bonus...haha...and got it too....Someone's watching over me I guess...

Sometime in January, we also discovered my female shih tzu, Cola, was pregnant! And then the guessing game started on when she was gonna give birth....Mom, always the genius for picking out numbers, got it spot on... Lunar New Year! and on the first day too....

Very much abreviated this post...haha...2 months in 2 paragraphs...more to come...