Monday, March 26, 2007

The power of imagination

Never doubt the power of inguenity. Lol.
Hmm....I'm not even sure if I'm spelling in-s.... correctly....later small bear will tekan me again, cos I always tekan him his spelling mistakes in his blog....
Anyway, this was taken at our yard... amazing improvisation skills these indonesian sailors have.... hehehehe...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Big bear manja

Self taken... But please don't believe the story on my bolster bear blog cos SOMEBODY was busy addicted to dearboys comic...

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

A satisfied bolster bear

My dearest looking extremely satisfied at the thought of chips chocs and biscuits! FOR DINNER! WaHahaHaha....

The New PC

So then the new PC comes today....and I finally understand that Dell does take its terms and conditions seriously....

Delivery and no installation just means just that....they dump the boxes onto your doorstep, you sign and off they go to make another person happy for about....well....10 secs

Well, at least the packing list was detailed enough for a PC-noob to go through and verify everything actually arrived...

And as I predicted so correctly, the first question was "Where's the power button?!"

And then;

"Its so small....I can't see the button...." OMG!"

"The screen is still so small....." (Mind you, its a 20" widescreen HD)

"The table's not right for the PC..."

And a whole long list of other comments....

And when I tried to get started on unpacking and fixing up the damn thing....

Well, that's a story for another night...


Saturday, March 17, 2007

The trouble with technology and technocrats

So here comes another weekend....and I'm still sitting on my arse working when just about everyone else I deal with is at home catching up on their winks....

What's the deal? Jeezz..

So then my mom just bought a new PC, Core 2 Duo and all that crap, and I bet the first question she will ask me is....."Win, how do I turn it on?!"

So for all the advanced technology in the world, Dell still cant teach a person how to turn it on....LOL

And so here goes the main topic of the day....

In a sense of the word, it seems that there are still so many of us who prefer the old way.
So what if we have 3G, video calling, blah blah blah....
99% of cellular phone users buy a phone to just .... well.... phone. 3G? hello?....

A lecturer of mine recently told us this story that really provoked my thoughts on this. Even though his lecturing was an ass....

See, in the shipyards in the 70s, notes and memos were passed around by hand (no email then). So Person A would pass a memo to B telling him to follow up on something.
And B would then reply on the same sheet telling A what he had done.

Or in the case of a drawing, A would pass it to B and to C and to whoever was involved, all the while having comments written on the same sheet of paper.

Fast forward back to the 90s.

What do we do now?

We send email.

We CC the entire world.

We dont get an answer

So we CC the entire universe in the next email.

Then the other person gets it, replies and CCs the entire universe as well.

We fire arrows electronically without even realising the true implications of those arrows.

And in the end.....

The two parties involved make a phone call, meet up, and settle the matter.

Making the thousands of emails, letters, memos (electronic), blah blah absolutely irrelevant.

Ok.....that's enough ranting for the week.

Now, while I'm at it now.....

Watching Music and Lyrics for the 2nd time tonight....


Its really nice though, this show. Even though the story is a little lame, the soundtrack rocks. and that;s really what carries the show throughout.

The upcoming singer portraying Cora Corman in the show looks to have a sure bright future though. Watch for the jibes at Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera.


Check it out.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Deciding what to eat...

See their sad faces... Lol. The dilemma over choice of lunch...

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

My angel in red!

See my dear bolster bear in her red adidas jacket... Lovely!

The angel bear

See, what an angel i am... Very good bear one hor... MuaHahaHaha

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

300! 3 Cheers for the Spartans!

Watched 300 last week....and all I can say is....


MTV reported it as the next step in filmmaking and I have to say that I fully agree with them.

The fight choreography was excellent and far better than in any recent movies.

So what are ya waitin for?.........GO WATCH IT!

Trust me, even if you don't like blood and gore, you'll like this one.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Abuse by bolster bear

Second time to get bitten... Sobs... Ouch