Monday, August 24, 2009


Learnt a new word from the office ba gua auntie today….




OMG… the boundless imaginations of Singaporeans….lol.


In any case, the main errand was to go for a food tasting for this Friday’s Christening Event for Kathy K, so being a wannabe foodie (and opportunity to skive), off we went!


For starters… there was ….. ………………………… bread. And a WHOLE FREAKING BASKET. (KK is anti-bread) With olive oil and vinegar dips.

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(You can see xiaomei finished all her vinegar)


After that was salad…which is anti-salad me…lol



Then starters…. prawn, scallop and escargots…. lol.

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You can see its turning out to be another one of the 吃不饱,饿不死 types of meals.


Then the main course…. had a choice of vegan, beef or mud crab lasagna…. couldnt tell the difference from the dish itself. LOL

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Can you tell the difference? Hehe… beef was good, mud crab was, well, crap. nuff said.



This was dessert….pretty normal. You would think for the price of dinner they would provide something more exotic.


Anyhows, for a free lunch it wasnt too bad. lol.

Took some photos from the Esplanade after that….

Singapore Skyline

Skyline 2

Not bad eh.


Now I’m lazy to type and put in the rest…so check it out on facebook for me and wifey’s very rare pak tor session. Basically window shopped, got a few presents for sis, dinner with Apple (no not a real Apple, its a friend) and watched a movie.


The Proposal.


really quite good and underrated.





Sea Trials – Captain John K

Nothing much on so far…. didnt really update too…no one’s reading anyway lol.

Much better response on facebook, but darn website doesnt do justice to good photos lol…


Anyways… 1 vessel almost down….5 more to go…:p

ASL SY Batam


hehe…not too bad eh… some more no tripod hor.

Taken from the wheelhouse deck level…and a view of my company’s shipyard in Batam. we were doing bollard pull tests at that time (u can see the tow wire in the pic)


2 Tugs


Not so nice… but…oh well.

These two were holding us against the current….:p



Obviously woke up a bit too late to catch it properly…:p



View from the cargo deck….jus before sunset.



Vessel’s water curtain protection system in operation.


H888 Panorama


View from one of our newbuilding’s helideck


Till next time… whwn i get the mood again…haha

