Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Precious Moments – Again

Nothing precious here…lol. But today was kinda of a wasted half day cos Mom wanted to use the car, so end up take 1/2 day but got nowhere to go cos too lazy to take bus. Lol. After napping in the afternoon (good rest. and rare…unlike some surveyor I know who seems to be doing it everytime I call him) got a call from Ms. Apple of PM Raffles City, so decided to make the brave choice of taking the bus….wow. lol.

001 039 040 041 042 Sunshine and sunset….no time to catch the sun. lol


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Random pics on the bus….2nd last pic had a kid hiding from me thinking I was some kind of papparazi or smt….dotx

Didnt go all the way cos of a very dangerous look from the wife. hee



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Views from Raffles City….all I had time to catch anyways.

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Din Tai Fung for dinner….same good quality as always.

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Some pics of PM figurines, some we ordered, some we already have and jus took the oppurtunity to get a pic. nice hor!…lol.


Till next time…tata.