Erm...sorry for the long delay in between posts....Jus lazy :p
In any case, our engineering department organized a looooong overdue gathering, in part to celebrate Hari Raya for our Muslim colleagues, and also well, just a gathering. Its too bad some of our colleagues could not come, because at the last minute it was decided the company would pay for it! LOL. Tooooooooooooooo bad....wahahahaha
Anyway enough of my rambling, here are some pics. Forgive the standard of the photography...blame the admin girls and our resident professional draftsman for that...not so pro with a camera apparently. HAHA... *joking
This is our resident draftsman apparently too hungry to think properly.
Nurazman, Project Engineer, and his "mysterious" friend...hmm
Lannie, admin extraordinaire, and her sweet other half....erm, who's the third party?!?!
Ahh...its valli and her sweet other half...LOL. Another admin extraordinaire...hee and the wife :p. And Jeffrey trying to siam out of the way unsuccessfully
The super electric man trying hard not to electrocute our poor draftsman
Too busy for the camera...apparently. HAHA he noticed...heee...Our resident naval architect from Myanmar, AUNG! <3 cheers<
Its Josef Stalin! Err..Francis I mean...hee, draftsman and Chew MF from M' community we have huh?
And no, Stalin is not Russian.
Chew rushing off for his 30th round...haha
Serious discussion on .... dunno what
A group photo from the friendly waiter...
Where we case that;s still a mystery.
Everyone busy tucking in to the delicious food...ignoring the camera.
A moment together for the two lovebirds
Chew and his two partners-in-crime
Lannie smiling for the camera while her bf looks at other girls....:p
Chilling out after dinner....I'm not there cos I'm still pigging out....wahahhahaha
Bowling was on the schedule after dinner, checkout the pics below, unfortunately wifey couldn play cos Asher is in the way...haha.
Awaiting the start eagerly....
Our local champion extraordinaire trying out some new moves...
Picking their weapon of choice...
The contender from the Phillipines making his move...
and apparently the pins are still standing. Was there glue on them?
Our representative from India!
Valli cheering wildy after watching her ball strike something at last
Choosing from the weapon tray...
Watching the world go past.....lalalalala....and the pins go standing on......
Our man from Myanmar making his move
BT with the 15-pounder. No I do not mean our ED.
Our dictator from India called stalin patiently waiting his turn to execute somebody...err I mean pins.
the pretty girl waiting her turn...and posing while she's at it.
Nurazman having a good laugh at someone...while Hasan checks out for his weapon
More photos of Lannie and Valli. LOL
Valli strangling Satesh. Err...I mean hugging. Heee
Hi My name is Ngoh. Jeffrey R. Ngoh. The R's for fun.
Me giving some tips to Siva on how to fire the cannon.
Well, overall it was a pretty fun outing.
Another one should be organized soon, and this should build up camaraderie nicely. After all, with no weapons to shoot with, only an unbreakable wall will do, right?
Next up, the other gathering I been meaning to write about but just too lazy to do about.
Till later.